A History of Australia
Part One







Convict Justice

Horseback Mayhem
Best Touring Show

Action Packed
Tracing Australia's early history through a series of comic vignettes, the performance is packed with both educational value and laugh-a-minute entertainment.

That's why it's become one of Australia's highest booking shows.

From INDIGENOUS PRE-HISTORY and EUROPEAN DISCOVERY to the CONVICT PERIOD, GOLD RUSHES, and more, comprehension is confirmed by an hilarious quiz at the conclusion of the performance.
Constant costume changes make the show a visual delight, with digital recordings, live music, and fun student participation completing the experience.

"A History of Australia - Part Two",
covering the period 1901 - 2000, is also now available for booking!

Golden Moments

Satisfaction Assured
Teachers Notes

Suitable:       K - 6   Cost/student:       $ 5.00 + GST
Duration:       50 mins Min students/session:       120

"TIE"   Ph: 1300 851055
© Quality Theatre in Education 2002-10   Fx: (02) 6100 6198.       Email: enquire@tieshows.com