xploring the causes of bullying behaviour, as well as solutions for victims, "Bye Bye Bully" takes a positive and practical approach to this all-too-prevalent problem.

There's no lecturing, and far more laughter than tears, as the performers demonstrate the real benefits of positive behaviours, and some innovative, non-disciplinary, ways to discourage negative traits.

You won't believe that help with bullying can be so much fun!

<   turn this . . . into this   >
not the whole answer but
a great place to start

Beginning with a short play, "Bye, Bye Bully", looks at the life of both a bully and a victim. We see how each feels and why they behave the way they do. As time passes, the roles become reversed. Students come to realise that both a bully and a victim lies within us all. That's why it's everyone's responsibility to help stop bullying.

The second part of the show moves from song, to comedy sketch, to practical demonstration, with students participating in activities and games in which positive behaviours

Teachers Notes Available
Suitable:       K/Prep - 6/7   Cost/student:       $ 5.00 + GST
Duration:       50 mins Min students/session:       120
"TIE"   Ph: 1300 851055
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